My First Twitter Chat! *Applebee’s SM Crisis Management*

As you all know I’m part of the Digital Team for The Social Media Club DC and we will be having an event during the Social Media Week DC *Crisis Management in Social Media*.  It gives me a bittersweet taste because I’m very excited about our event but I’m sad I won’t be able to attend, but the reason I’m not attending is a good one! I’m organizing an opening for over 100 guests and I’m coordinating most of the details.

Now, getting back to the Twitter Chat. I’ll host/co-host this chat: *Crisis Management Thursday, Discussing Applebee’s Fiasco* from the @SMCDC Twitter Account and it’s interesting for me because of my experience in the food industry, I have seen so many crazy and sad things happen to different waiters/waitresses and not once have I ever seen anyone take such a proactive action, of snapping a photo of someone’s rude comments on a bill or even of a positive feedback, so I wonder after this incident if this will bring about similar situations.

I should write another post on how I feel about the Food Industry wages and benefits in general, but tomorrow’s twitter chat is focused on the actions Applebee’s took after firing Chelsea Welch, their reaction on their Facebook Page with their fans and how they managed this crisis and what we all can learn from it.

I wrote the details of this Twitter Chat on the Social Media Club DC Blog, the link: “Crisis Management Twitter Chat Thursday, Discussing Applebee’s Fiasco

Tomorrow I have an event prior to the twitter chat so I really hope I can be on time, but if not my dear friends@TheJournalizer and @ChezWu will take care of you (and they are awesome!).  Remember to follow the chat on #SMWCrisis

And this is me when I found out I could host this Twitter Chat!



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