December 2012

I’ve decided to take a challenge on December, starting today.  This is what I had in mind for 31 days:

1.  I will not drink a single drop of alcohol, regardless of the Holidays, anniversary, tasting events, etc.
2.  Eat raw fruits and vegetables, with the exception of roasted nuts (I like my nuts ROASTED!).
3. Blog everyday for 31 days straight, I can though schedule posts, as long as I get one daily published post. Also I can blog from this account or the one.
4.  I’ll take photos everyday of December, with my Nikon camera or iPad, not with the droid.
5.  I will not shop until January 1st, except for food, or work *really necessary* items.

In the end I’ve chosen to do number 1, 3 and 5.  I realized that my eating raw challenge was based on the fact that I want to lose weight, and I already know that unless I keep that balance of eating raw food, whatever I lose on December, I will gain in January, so instead I just need to find a way to add exercise to my daily routine and decrease the bad foods.

I decided to do things the opposite way this time, no resolutions on December 31st, but instead doing it during a time when the excuses to (eat bad, not work on personal projects because of the holidays, and indulge in creamy boozy drinks, I took the last week of  November to put a few thoughts in order.   It was Thanksgiving, and visiting the Animal Sanctuary, Hurricane Sandy, and many other things.  October ended really rough, getting prepared for a natural disaster that didn’t hit us in DC yet it took hard on our neighbors in NY.  It’s one of those things that helps you to put life in perspective.

Of course I’m not saving any lives by not having a Friday Night glass of wine, or by blogging about things that probably just my mom and my husband care, but in the end, these things are for myself.  I said I was going to write more, and I do write a whole lot, but it doesn’t always end published on the blog.  Always triple thinking if my words make sense, thinking about my punctuation and my creative writing skills.  Obviously this isn’t a diary, but as time passes and I blog more, I enjoy to share more things about my life.

Hopefully whoever read this is also smiling at the beginning of the holidays to come, and he/she is enjoying life a lot since the end is coming on the 21st right? (just kidding folks!).



One Comment

  1. […] was funny when I arrived to the Gift Store because I thought: “Darn it! I took a pledge, not unnecessary shopping” But then everyone pointed me towards the *freebies room* Oh my god, I got a comics book, pins, […]

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